![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(002509)04-54-13]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor00250904-54-13.jpg?w=640)
Starts from when T said that the real TY was behind him and reveals TY’s condition. After G sits up in bed and calls out “Tae mu hyung” the chairman faints so the men say call an ambulance. T and G stare at each other. T: Tae Yong ah. G: why am I here? G looks down and notices what he forgot to take off. he hides his ring under the blanket. T asks are you alert – do you know what happened. Do you remember me. G: my head hurts. he holds his head. T: ok I will call the doctor. T walks out stunned and G looks up.
The trio takes the real TY in an ambulance and rides off in it as T comes out.
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(010995)05-07-48]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor01099505-07-48.jpg?w=640)
H stands alone and waits for G clutching his jacket to her. it’s late at night so she goes home and wonders where he went and why she cant reach him by phone. she wonders if he left for Joseon like this. she runs home and the lights are on. she calls out “your highness” and then calls each guy by name. and checks their rooms and calls out ”your highness” when she gets to G’s room. She cries and says no is here. no one is really here? you left? You went back to Joseon without a word. She sits and cries on the stairs
At the hospital Pyo tells G to go to the chairman’s home for the time being after being discharged from the hospital. these kids will hide and stay in my home so dont worry. don’t talk to anyone or contact them till this is over. if we get caught, it’s the end of the company, our plans, and us. pyo asks if the others understand that so they nod yes. G tells him “yes- dont worry -we dont talk reveal secrets easily” so pyo says dont speak like that in front of people. speak like TY. C says how G practiced that as a joke so he will do well. G speaks like normal and says “i said don’t worry” but pyo says practice more. pyo gives him glasses TY wore and tells him to wear it. Pyo: you just have to do well as we planned. he tells the trio to be careful not to be caught. M asks if they cant contact anyone. Y: park ha will be worried. Pyo says no you cant -no matter what. He looks at G and says the same (not to contact anyone no matter what)
Pyo drives G and says you should meet your grandmother first. G asks where the real TY is. pyo:TY? G wants to meet the real TY first before he goes to chairman’s home.
Pyo drives him there and tells him to go in
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(017054)01-46-17]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor01705401-46-17.jpg?w=300&h=169)
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(017535)05-00-44]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor01753505-00-44.jpg?w=300&h=169)
G stands over TY and says “Young TY you are my reincarnation so how did you end up lying there sleeping. did you feel it was unjust to be asleep so you called me here? It looks like I am staring at my own death so it hurts my heart. what you feel indignant about, I will resolve it for you. I will take your place and do the things you should be doing here if you were alive. Until you come back I will protect your position well. So get better and wake up. he puts on TY’s glasses and leaves
Pyo asks what G is going to do with T and suggests chasing T out of the company for what he did at that meeting, but G says I need him so leave him there at the company. Pyo: you need him. what does that mean. G: for the sake of finding concrete proof that he killed TY, I need T. I need to keep him close by within reach so that I can use him. pyo: how do you intend to do that. G: if you set fire to a fox hole, the fox will come out on his own.
G meets with T at the company lobby. T asks if it’s ok to come to work already but G says it is hard to walk around but the hospital told me to keep moving. G: the coffee scent smells good. should we have come since it’s been 2 yrs. T: ok
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(024769)00-34-31]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor02476900-34-31.jpg?w=640)
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they sit and drink. G says how he missed the taste of coffee. I would have felt it was unfair if I died and didnt get to taste this again. right hyung? T asks when he is going to start work at the company, but G says hyung I have no interest in working at the company. didnt you originally take care of the work. T: that’s true but you might have changed your mind. G: after the accident, I have been lying down for 2 yrs so why would I change my mind during that time. it’s the same as always. T: do you remember how you got hurt in the accident. G: that’s what I dont remember – it’s so frustrating. T: how much of it do you remember. G: what do you mean how much of it. T: before you got into the accident, how much do you remember. G: are you talking about when you and I met in america? T gets alarmed: do you remember that? G: do I remember that? then we met in america? you said we didnt. you said you didnt meet me in America. I said I didnt remember meeting you in america. T: oh ok. G: hyung -before the accident, it’s true that you didnt me meet huh. T: yes that’s correct. we didnt meet. G: anyway it’s nice to meet you again and talk like this. do you still play squash again. let’s play sometime. T: ok. G: it’s nice.
H tells Pyo the 4 of them havent come home without a word. and all 4 of their phones are turned off too. Pyo says I am worried the 4 didn’t come to work too. H: I came cuz I thought maybe they contacted work. what could have happened – maybe they are in an accident. but Pyo says with certainty: no there was no accident for sure. H says if for sure they werent in an accident, does that means he knows something. But he says the real TY showed up and after he showed up, the 4 disappeared. It’s unusual, but at the same time all 4 of them. H says they went back to joseon. For real.
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(020504)00-33-12]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor02050400-33-12.jpg?w=300&h=169)
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(028942)01-55-18]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor02894201-55-18.jpg?w=300&h=169)
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(028737)01-55-03]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor02873701-55-03.jpg?w=300&h=169)
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(028755)01-54-33]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor02875501-54-33.jpg?w=300&h=169)
H walks by T and he turns to watch her go. G comes along and sees her and calls out to T like he doesn’t know who H is. G says let’s go together hyung. He walks over to T and leaves with T. H stands there crying
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(030373)05-14-45]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor03037305-14-45.jpg?w=640)
G gets to a safe place and runs back and watches H walk out of the building. He calls out her name quietly
T goes to his office and stares at a note that was faxed. It says “murderer.liar” and T recalls the previous time G pretended to be TY and said “hyung you are a liar. If you say you met me you are a murderer. T remembers G’s words – between those two which are you. those two people are the same person – a murderer and a liar.” G comes in and asks what it is. T says a fax came in. G says you are busy as usual. I shouldn’t interrupt your work and go buy some books to read at the bookstore. T: ok. G leaves. T mutters -this punk – where is he hiding and threatening me. T rips up the fax
G goes to rooftop home and goes to his room. He gets out TY’s phone that he hid under the bed. When he goes downstairs he sees T came in. G quickly hides. When T goes to H’s room G quickly runs out. H comes out of mimi’s and they miss running into each other by a second
H goes inside and is shocked to see T going through their stuff. She asks what he is doing now- what are you doing now coming into someone else’s home without permission. He asks do you know where the 4 people who live here went. She says I don’t know too. he says we have been duped by them too like you so we have to capture them, but H says I haven’t been duped.sorry, but please leave
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(040344)05-16-26]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor04034405-16-26.jpg?w=640)
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(040463)05-16-37]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor04046305-16-37.jpg?w=640)
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(040656)05-16-57]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor04065605-16-57.jpg?w=640)
G goes to Pyo’s officetel and the trio are there. G says I brought TY’s phone and hands it to M. prepare for the next action. M asks if the fax they sent went through ok and G nods yes. C asks if G confirmed that no one followed him. G nods yes. C says how nervous he is. suddenly the bell rings and scares them. Y says the pizza came and goes to the door with the others. the pizza delivery came and G tries to eat some, but C stops him and asks are you going to eat too. cuz this is only enough for 4 people and there wont be any left. G tries again and gives up. G: I wont eat. Y asks when they can go out. C says they came in such a hurry they dont have clothes to change into. M says none of Pyo’s clothes fit them cuz the size is different and it’s all bow ties. G says you are suffering a lot. let’s all go out and buy clothes to change into. they guys are happy. G tries to eat a slice and the guys stop him again. Y gets angry cuz G made him drop a slice on the floor.
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(041903)00-39-23]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor04190300-39-23.jpg?w=640)
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(042330)00-37-56]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor04233000-37-56.jpg?w=640)
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The guys go shopping with G. G holds up a shirt and says this will be good. he buys them matching t-shirts. G: let’s go. then he buys them matching sneakers. G: how is it now. They say they are happy with it. G: let’s go
S meets with T and wonders why Jang is like that. she asks if anything happened cuz T isnt paying attention. T: no what’s going on. S: Jang – what do you think is up with her. T: park injoo – she is looking for her daughter. don’t let her find H. if having lied to her becomes a problem, use me and say I told you to. we still need to keep up a good relationship with her
S tells jang: just cuz T told me to do that – I shouldnt have agreed. I am really sorry. she returns the ring. S: you were 100% good to me so I am really sorry. Jang asks : just tell me the truth about this – you know where injoo is dont you? where is she. S says I don’t know. jang: you really dont know. S: yes I am sorry. jang: then were did you hear that story about putting her on top of the stomach. that was true about my injoo. S says I heard that story on the radio
H goes to the company and hides when she sees G walk by. He take his phone out of his pocket and the ring rolls over to her. she picks it up and cries. she says you are dead
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(050208)23-50-04]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor05020823-50-04.jpg?w=640)
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(051487)23-47-22]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor05148723-47-221.jpg?w=640)
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(051527)23-48-06]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor05152723-48-061.jpg?w=640)
They sit together and he says I have to go now. H says I shouldn’t come here to meet you huh. he nods yes. H: I will go first. He stops her from getting up and leans in and kisses her. G: thank you for believing in me. H: dummy. I will go. G: go safely. H stops and gives his ring back. H: You are really going to die if you drop this again one more time. He takes it back and nods yes and smiles
G goes to T’s office and looks around. He finds the picture of H’s family phto, but only catches a glimpse of the end of it of her father. He remembers what H said about her dad tearing out the picture of her mom cuz he hated her for leaving and abandoning a young baby. T comes back in so G pretends to be doing something else. T asks what he is doing there. G says while I was waiting i was looking to see what you were working on. T: if you are curious – ask. a delivery comes for T. it’s M in disguise. he asks for a signature. G asks what that is. T opens it. T: I dont know who sent it. G says grandma wants you to come home for lunch. She has something to say. T finds a photo of T and TY taken in NY inside the box. G: what’s wrong hyung. T: it’s nothing. G: are you ok? T says let’s go out to eat, i’ll buy lunch but G says didn’t you hear what I just said – grandma wants us to go eat lunch at her home. T: oh she did
G goes with T to the chairman’s home. G: we came grandmother. Chairman welcomes them and tells them to sit. she says it’s good to see TY and T together getting along. she asked T to come today to forget about the bad stuff that happened and look at the future. Aunt says a delivery came and it says a picture frame is inside. should I open it? T panics and offers to open it in the kitchen. But aunt says just open it here and opens it. there is a photo of a puppy. G asks who sent it. chairman says I dont know who sent it. G says I am hungry. let’s go eat. they go in to eat lunch
in his car, T gets a call from G from a payphone. G asks did you get the package ok. T: what are you? where are you now? G: you chased me out. T: what do you want. G: think about what I want. G hangs up on him.
T goes to track down the number of the payphone. It’s close to rooftop home. T: this is where he was. that mouse like punk.
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(063405)02-55-09]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor06340502-55-09.jpg?w=640)
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(063587)02-55-31]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor06358702-55-31.jpg?w=640)
T goes there and yells “come out right now.” H says what are you doing. He asks where is the scam artist. Tell him to come out right now. she says I told you he isnt here. T goes in. H: look here – where are you going? T yells for him to come out. T pushes H aside and breaks stuff. H yells why are you coming to someone else’s home and making a mess. He says you are keeping in touch with him arent you? tell him not to hide like a mouse and show up in front of me right now. G watches him from across the way and almost goes there to help H, but stops himself. he whispers H’s name and makes a fist.
H is sitting on the ground surrounded by the mess. She gets a text from G. his name is saved as “dummy” H goes out and sees that T is following her
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(068545)23-57-41]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor06854523-57-41.jpg?w=640)
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She takes the subway. T keeps following her. the train arrives. She jumps out just as the door closes and loses T. after the train car passes, G is standing on the other side. They smile at each other. he waves to her.
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(069179)05-12-08]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor06917905-12-08.jpg?w=640)
They go and sit. She asks if that’s the reason why he asked her to bring her family photo. He says how he found the same pic and is curious why T has that pic. she asks if her mom’s face was there in that photo. G says I wasn’t able to see it clearly cuz it was covered. She asks him to take a pic of her mom’s face. G: ok I will try. He says be careful about T cuz he will keep following you around, but she says don’t worry I am strong. G: I do worry. before I saw you as someone who was as strong as a guy, but now I only see you as a frail woman so I cant help feeling uneasy. (*wow that sounds sexist and sweet all at the same time) She tells him to worry about himself but he says don’t worry about me. They hold hands
H tells S’s mom about the photo. the mom says there is another picture? H: yes where could that pic have come from? the mom says of course from your mom’s side. they both realize what that means so the mom says if you do well then you could find your birth mom. who has it? where did they get it? H says I don’t know yet. I am going to look into it now
H shows T the photo and says you know this photo dont you? T: what is this? H: you know- you have the same pic. T: who said? H: Tell me where you got that pic. T: what are you talking about. H: this is my pic from when I was 1. T: i have no idea what you are talking about at all. H: Tell me where my mom is. He says tell me where that con man is first. She takes her pic and gets up and leaves
*wasnt that sort of risky for her to confront him like that. what if he put two and two together and realizes G is the one who told her about that photo. good think T sucks at math cuz I dont think he pieced anything together yet.
S complains to her mom that the mom knows S doesn’t eat dinner so why call her over. Her mom says how she was feeling low. S doesnt say anything so the mom says when a person talks you have to reply. S asks why her mom feels down. mom: I think H is going to find her mom. S: what? Mom: it turned out well huh? H found someone who has the same pic as her. of course she needs to find her bloodline but I feel like… S gets up and leaves mid sentence. mom: are you leaving. S: yes. mom: but i havent started yet -hey you brat.
S meets with T. he burns the picture. S watches him.
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(080141)05-29-03]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor08014105-29-03.jpg?w=300&h=169)
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(080171)05-29-10]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor08017105-29-10.jpg?w=300&h=169)
H meets with jang. H: if I tell her I am looking for my real mother my mom would feel sad huh. Jang says yes she would. H: she would huh? when I came from america to korea to find my dad, when I thought I was alone after my dad passed away, my mom accepted me. should I not find my birth mom. jang: do you really mean that. H: to be honest – no. Jang: your mom who gave birth to you must feel something too. I wish my daughter would find me. instead of just one side looking really hard, if both sides look, wont that make our hands touch faster. H: when I didn’t know about my real mom at all, I wasn’t greedy but knowing there is one person out there who is my bloodline I want to meet her once. Jang: if there is a chance to find her you should
G goes to T’s office and looks for the pic again but it’s gone. He says H’s picture was here for sure
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(082314)05-32-50]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor08231405-32-50.jpg?w=640)
S’s mom meets with jang. Jang says I want to take S with me to hong kong. S’s mom: hong kong? Jang: I promised she could stay your daughter for the rest of your life so I am sorry. but S lied about being my second daughter in front of me so I had no words to say. Her mom says sorry for not raising her the right way. Jang says don’t say that. you shouldnt feel sorry, I should be sorry. I am going to stop finding my second daughter now. instead as her mother, I want to do right by S. you are giving me permission right? I am sorry. Her mom says she is your daughter so why be sorry that she is going back to being your daughter. If that’s for S’s sake. bu what did S say. Jang: I didn’t ask her yet, I had to get your permission first
S goes to meet jang and overhears Jang tell her husband – it’s me. I met my daughter. And I am taking her to hong kong with me. S panics and wonders “what is this- did she find out H is her real daughter”
S calls T and says there is big trouble. T: what happened. S: jang found H-what do we do? T: what are you saying? calm down and talk. S: jang found her daughter. it’s been revealed that H is her daughter. T: who said that? S: I heard directly from jang herself. What do I do now. T looks over at the trucks being loaded and gets an idea. S: what do I do- Say something. if we leave this alone. H will become jang’s daughter. T tells her to calm down cuz he has an idea. look into how jang found out. S: what are you going to do. T: do as I order. i’ll hang up now
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(089857)05-33-25]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor08985705-33-25.jpg?w=640)
H looks at her family pic and gets a call from T. he says let’s meet cuz I have something to say. H: do you have anything you need to say to me. T: it’s about your mom. I understand if you are upset about how we met yesterday. I wasn’t able to be nice to you yesterday cuz of my personal feelings. H: what about my mom. T: you can meet your mom. let’s meet and talk. H: really? T:you are looking for your mom so I thought I cant act like I don’t know cuz of other matters. H: where do I need to go.
H waits at the side of the street for T. he pulls up and tells her to get in. he drives off.
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(095605)05-37-23]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor09560505-37-23.jpg?w=640)
T seems nervous. She asks where he is going now. He says to where her mom is waiting. H: mom is coming out? are you saying I am meeting my mom today. T: yes. H: Where is she? where is she waiting. T: she said don’t say anything and just bring you. so please understand. he pulls over. she asks why – is there a car problem (something broken) He says a sound came from her side of the car.didnt you hear? H: no i didnt hear anything. He gets out saying I will check for a minute before we go. He takes out a plastic bag with a chloroformed cloth and opens her door. he tells her to get the car manual out from his side and puts the cloth over her mouth and makes her pass out.
he drives her to an abandoned junkyard. (he is going to put her in a freezer truck)
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(097519)05-34-48]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor09751905-34-48.jpg?w=300&h=169)
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(097290)05-33-53]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor09729005-33-53.jpg?w=300&h=169)
G is looking at the photos taken by T and TY and G sees H in the background in the photo. He says this is H for sure. can something like this happen. H was there.
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(103198)05-36-05]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor10319805-36-05.jpg?w=300&h=169)
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(103316)05-36-27]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor10331605-36-27.jpg?w=300&h=169)
T stares at H in the back of the truck and takes out her phone. he takes a photo of her in the truck and sends it to G. G looks at it and gets up. He can barely say her name. he calls her number. T answers and G asks who are you. tell me who you are. T: it’s me. G: yong tae mu –you scoundrel- what are you doing now. T: why are you like this. calm down. G: if you lay a finger on H – you are dead- I will kill you. T: why are you like this – so scary. I dont want to mess with her either since it’s tiring. G: where is that place. put H on the phone. T: be quiet. I give the orders from now on. G: if something happens to H, you will die. be warned. no matter what happens, I will kill you. T: dummy. you don’t have time to waste like that right now. she is going to turn into ice in that freezer truck. G threatens to rip him apart. T: Why did you joke and kid around with those pics. Bring the phone with the pics and come right now.
G drives over there and remembers how Pyo said if we get caught, it’s the end of the company, our plans, and us. then he remembers how T said H would turn to ice in the freezer truck
T looks at H and closes the door and locks it. he leaves her there and drives away.
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(110724)00-45-42]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor11072400-45-421.jpg?w=640)
H wakes up and yells and hits the truck door asking is there anyone out there. hello – there is someone inside here. isnt anyone out there? hello – save me.
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(112042)00-47-33]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor11204200-47-33.jpg?w=640)
![옥탑방 왕세자.E16.120510.HDTV.XviD-KOR[(112147)00-47-46]](http://soulsrebel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ec98a5ed8391ebb0a9-ec9995ec84b8ec9e90-e16-120510-hdtv-xvid-kor11214700-47-46.jpg?w=640)
G stops the car and sits there.
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